Square Enix just announced Dragon Quest Builders to be releasing on Steam on February 13, 2024. While its sequel launched on PC in 2019, one year after its initial release on Nintendo Switch and PS4, the original is coming to PC after a whooping eight years since its launch in 2016 on PS3, PS4, and PS Vita.
The PC release announcement of Dragon Quest Builders is anything but grand, devoid of any teaser drops or other PR build-ups. Square Enix dropped the announcement on Twitter with the game scheduled to launch on PC in two weeks.
The Steam Page for the game is already up, and you can pre-order the game at 27.99 USD. Those who already have the sequel, Dragon Quest Builders 2, in their Steam Library, can buy the original at a discounted 19.41 USD price.
As shared by fans and critics alike, the original Dragon Quest Builders have a far greater emphasis on survival elements and hardcore mechanics like weapon degradation and repair, while the sequel has a significantly improved building system and other quality-of-life additions.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 saw a renewed interest after the launch of Steam Deck, Valve’s handheld gaming device, since the game is a treat to play on any handhelds. While the original is already available on mobile (both Android and iOS) and Nintendo Switch, the popularity of Steam Deck must have played a big part in Square Enix’s decision to port the game to PC.
Whatever the case, Dragon Quest Builders in coming to PC via Steam on February 13, 2024.