Recipes and Cookbooks is not the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of Elden Ring – but behind the souls-like defining features that it has become so well known for, hides a surprisingly varied and diverse options for collecting ingredients and crafting consumables that can be super useful in the middle of taxing boss fights. I have listed out 15 such useful recipes in Elden Ring that are worth keeping an eye out for when exploring the Lands Between.
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15. Staunching Boluses
Bleed is one of the most devastating effects of the game along with another one just down the list; and anything that can prevent it qualifies as a pretty useful item in Elden Ring. And, well, since Staunching Boluses happen to be that item – it makes a lot of sense to keep a few handy, all the time.
- Requires
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [7]
- Herba * 1, Cave Moss * 1, Land Octopus Ovary * 1
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [7] is obtained by taking the path straight from Stormhill Site of Grace which bypasses Stormveil Castle to enter into Liurnia of the Lakes area
14. Blood Grease
The Blood Grease coats your right-hand weapon and inflicts blood loss on enemies with each hit – this lasts for 60 seconds. While there is the Bloodflame blade incantation that is available pretty early and does not have a very high requirement; for complete strength / dexterity melee focused builds; this provides a good alternative. The ingredients are also easy to find, as is the cookbook which is also obtained very early in the game.
- Requires
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [6]
- Root Resin * 1, Bloodrose * 1
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [6] is located in Fort Haight; on a dead body on top of the stairs
13. Spellproof Dried Liver
The Spellproof Dried Liver is a super useful item that helps negate magic damage by 15% for 120 seconds. It is also found just at the right place in before you start going around Liurnia of the Lakes -which has the Academy dungeon filled with spellcasters ready to hone magic projectiles at you; and is also useful against the final boss there and in Caria Manor.
- Requires
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [11]
- Rowa Fruit * 3, Beast Liver * 1, Glintstone Firefly * 2
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [11] can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in Liurnia of the Lakes for 1500 runes
12. Rotbone Arrow
Aah … an arrow to inflict the most lethal status on enemies from a comfortable distance. The Rotbone Arrow inflicts 50 Scarlet Rot on the enemy. Equip the Rain of Arrows Ash of War for added effect – and watch how multiple Rotbone Arrows rain havoc on your enemies before they can even start approaching you.
- Requires
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [15]
- Thin Beast Bones * 3, Aeonian Butterfly * 1
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [15] can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in Caelid for 4000 runes
11. Holyproof Dried Liver
The Holyproof Dried Liver boosts holy damage negation by 35% and lasts for 2 minutes – making it a great buff to have against late game bosses – the Elden Beast, for e.g. And that alone makes it a worthwhile consumable to keep in your quick item list.
- Requires
- Missionary’s Cookbook [6]
- Ingredients : Golden Rowa * 5, Beast Liver * 1, Golden Sunflower * 3
- The Missionary Cookbook [6] is located in Volcano Manor. Start from the Temple of Eiglay Site of Grace, take the lift and go outside into an open area; drop down onto a bridge and move up, take a left and jump through an open window. Once inside the room, take the ladder and continue downwards till you see a dead body with the Missionary’s Cookbook [6]
10. Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot
The Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot is a consumable in Elden Ring and comes with an immensely helpful stat increase in Discovery : it boosts item discovery by + 50 for 3 minutes – making farming for that weapon that much easier. Case in point is the Bandit’s Curved Sword from the lone skeleton outside Church of Pilgrimage for a dual-wield build.
- Requires
- Missionary’s Cookbook [3]
- Ingredients : Rowa Fruit * 3, Four-Toed Fowl Foot *1, Silver Firefly *1
- Missionary’s Cookbook [3] can be found in Smoldering Church at the beginning of Caelid area
9. Preserving Boluses
Since Scarlet Rot is the most high impact status build up effect in the game, while you want that on your enemies; you also don’t want that status to be inflicted on you – and that is where the Preserving Boluses come into play. They alleviate, and cure Scarlet Rot status. There are quite a few areas – Lake Of Rot, for instance – and bosses – a few Putrid Avatars, the Decaying Ekzykes dragon and a couple of dungeons like the War-Dead Catacombs that have Scarlet Rot pools; where these Boluses come in pretty handy.
- Requires
- Armorer’s Cookbook [6]
- Dewkissed Herba * 2, Crystal Cave Moss * 1, Sacramental Bud * 1
- Start from the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace and move uphill in the west direction to loot Armorer’s Cookbook [6] off a dead body
8. Oil Pot + Volcano Pot
A great and lethal combination – the Oil Pot increases the next single instance of fire damage by 50%, while the Volcano Pot, as the name suggests, does fire damage in an area. This works against a wide variety of enemies and bosses – except for fire-resistant enemies in Volcano Manor and a few bosses like the Fire Giant or the Magma Wyrm. You will have to wait a while to get your hands on the cookbook that helps you learn to craft the Volcano Pot till early mid- game though : this is only found in the Volcano Manor area.
- Oil Pot requires
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [17] and Volcano Pot requires
- Ingredients : Melted Mushroom * 1, Empty Cracked Pot * 1
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [17] can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in Siofra River for 1000 runes;
- Volcano Pot requires
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [20]
- Volcanic Stone * 2, Empty Cracked Pot * 1
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [20] can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in Volcano Manor for 3000 runes
7. Rot Pot / Rot Grease
The Rot Pot / Rot Grease inflict Scarlet Rot buildup – and that is just about the surest way to wipe out chunks of enemy health bar as if they were not there to begin with. The Grease can be used to coat the weapon and causes 63 Scarlet Rot build up; but my vote goes to the Pot – for the simple reason that you can throw it from a distance and watch the fun – it also inflicts 300 Scarlet Rot buildup. The only reason this ranks lower on the list is that the Cookbook is obtained relatively late in the game.
- Requires
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [22]
- Rot Grease Ingredients : Root Resin * 1, Aeonian Butterfly * 1
- Rot Pot Ingredients : Toxic Mushroom * 2, Faded Erdleaf Flower * 2, Aeonian Butterfly * 1, Empty Ritual Pot * 1
- The Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [22] Is obtained from a chest on the west end of Lake Of Rot
6. Bloodboil Aromatic
The ultimate consumable item for an aggressive play, and a great option especially for spellcasters who don’t expect to get hit a lot – The Bloodboil Aromatic increases physical damage by 30% and stamina by 20% – but reduces damage negation by 25% and lasts for 60 seconds.
- Requires
- Perfumer’s Cookbook [2]
- Ingredients : Altus Bloom * 2, Budding Cave Moss * 1, Land Octopus Ovary * 1, Arteria Leaf * 1
- Perfumer’s Cookbook [2] is located in The Shaded Castle region. Start from the Inner Gate Site of Grace and take the ladder to your left. There will be another ladder – climb that to get the book.
5. Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot
The Gold – Pickled Fowl Foot increases rune acquisition by 30% for 3 minutes – which makes them a great consumable to take just before defeating a boss; and you can easily slip in a couple of more level ups than what you would normally have obtained.
- Requires
- Missionary’s Cookbook [2]
- Ingredients : Rowa Fruit * 3, Four-Toed Fowl Foot * 1, Gold Firefly * 1
- Missionary’s Cookbook [2] can be purchased from Patches for 800 runes
4. Uplifting Aromatic
The Uplifting Aromatic, simply put is one of the best consumables – it increases ally attack power by 10% – making your summons that much more effective, and also negates the next damage hit by 90% – while the attack buff lasts for a good 40 seconds.
- Requires
- Perfumer’s Cookbook [1]
- Inventory : Altus Bloom * 1, Budding Cave Moss * 1, Silver Tear Husk * 1, Arteria Leaf * 1
- Perfumer’s Cookbook [1] is found in a chest in Perfumer’s Ruins; north-west of Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace in Altus Plateau
3. Sleep Pot
The closest to a cheat item that you can get in Elden Ring – it inflicts the sleep status on an enemy, and is especially useful, as is easy to imagine, when facing more than 1 challenging enemy together. Even when facing one formidable foe; throwing one or at most two sleep pots is likely to make them fall to sleep; opening them for a few invaluable attacks before throwing the next set of sleep pots at them – and repeat! Who said Elden Ring is hard! This is also one effect against which a lot of enemies and bosses don’t have very high resistance
- Requires
- Fevor’s Cookbook [1]
- Ingredients – Mushroom * 1, Trina’s Lily * 1, Empty Cracked Pot * 1
- Fevor’s Cookbook [1] is located in a graveyard south from the Summonwater Village Site of Grace
2. Pickled Turtle Neck
Stamina management is key in Elden Ring – and hence any consumable or items that boost Stamina are absolutely invaluable – there is a reason why the Green Turtle Shield, or the Green Turtle Talisman is almost a default choice for a lot of Elden Ring veterans. In a similar vein, the Pickled Turtle Neck can be used to increase stamina recovery by 10 / second; for 60 seconds.
- Requires
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [3]
- Rowa Fruit * 3, Turtle Neck Meat * 1, Herba *1
- Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [3] can be purchased from Nomadic Merchant near Saintsbridge Site of Grace for 600 Runes
1. Exalted Flesh
The best effects are the ones that impact core stats – and that makes Exalted Flesh one of the very best consumables – it boosts physical damage by a massive 20%, and the effect lasts 30 seconds. What’s more, the cookbook is found pretty early in the very first region of the game, and the ingredients required are also ones that you will keep coming across as you explore the Lands Between
- Requires
- Armorer’s Cookbook [3]
- Ingredients : Rowa Fruit * 5, Lump of Flesh * 1, Hefty Beast Bone * 1, Arteria Leaf * 1
- Armorer’s Cookbook [3] can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in East Limgrave for 2000 Runes
And that, is the consumables and recipes that are your best bet in Elden Ring to add that final differentiation to your build. You may want to check out our location guide to all 32 Crystal Tears or All 12 Sacred Tears. These will help you prep for the eagerly anticipated Shadow of the Erdtree DLC planned for release in June