Sacred Tears increase the effectiveness of your flasks – and hence are super critical : with the time it takes to chug a flask in Elden Ring; you want to make the most out of it, and that’s where Sacred Tears come into play. There are 12 of these for you to discover, and we have put a list of all Sacred Tear locations in Elden Ring.
On This Page
Third Church Of Marika – Limgrave
The first Church which equips you with the Sacred Tear and is placed conveniently on the main road
Callu Baptismal Church – Weeping Peninsula
The Callu Baptismal Church will require you to quickly go in, take the Sacred Tear and move out, unless you want to fight a bunch of pesky, and at this stage dangerous rats – not just the normal kind, but frenzied ones.
Church Of Pilgrimage – Weeping Peninsula
The Church of Pilgrimage is located at the northern tip of the Weeping Peninsula, and can be reached by taking a bridge that you come across as you move south of Lake Agheel; and then taking the right up the hill to reach this location.
Fourth Church Of Marika – Weeping Peninsula
The Fourth Church of Marika lies at the western side of Weeping Peninsula; and can be reached by moving down the slope from the Church of Pilgrimage; keeping to the west side edge as much as possible.
Church Of Irith – Liurnia of the Lakes
You can in fact get this pretty early, without requiring to go through Stormveil Castle. You can make your way straight from the Stormhill Shack instead of taking the left, and keep going through the linear path to arrive into Liurnia of the Lakes area with the Church of Irith right ahead.
Bellum Church – Liurnia of the Lakes
The Bellum Church is located in Eastern Liurnia and can be reached by following the narrow north Ravine till you find a path on the right that leads you to the Bellum Church.
Church Of Inhibition – Liurnia of the Lakes
The Church of Inhibition is located in Eastern Liurnia and can be accessed by starting from the East Raya Lucaria Gate Site of Grace, and taking the road eastwards
Church of the Plague – Caelid
The Church of the Plague can be accessed by starting from the Fort Faroth Site of Grace, and making your way west on the cliffside, till you come across a Spiritspring that helps you jump safely down. From there, you can see the Church in the distance.
Second Church of Marika – Altus Plateau
The Second Church of Marika can be reached from the Erdtree-Gazing Hill Site of Grace and moving west; and using the cliffs to descend down.
Stormcaller Church – Altus Plateau
The Stormcaller Church can be reached from the Rampartside Path Site of Grace by moving west.
Church of Repose – Mountaintops of the Giants
The Church of Repose can be accessed by starting from the Giants Gravepost Site of Grace and moving south-west.
First Church of Marika – Mountaintops of the Giants
The First Church of Marika can be accessed by starting from the Freezing Lake Site of Grace; and making your way south east, past the Borelis the Freezing Fog dragon
This completes the list of 12 Sacred Tears locations in Elden Ring. If you are also looking for all Golden Seeds locations; there are 44 of them and we have put a comprehensive list here. Collecting all Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears will be the perfect way to prep for the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC coming this July.