Honkai Star Rail’s Masquerade Duet is a companion mission featuring Sparkle and Black Swan. To unlock this quest, you must be on Level 34 or above on Trailblaze. Another prerequisite to start this quest is to complete the Whodunit quest. Masquerade Duet Quest is a rather long mission, you must be patient and precise to ace it.
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Honkai Star Rail Masquerade Duet Companion Mission Walkthrough
To initiate the mission, go to the Companion Mission and select Penacony – Golden Hour under The Interpretation of Dreams. Since Masquerade Duet is a rather elaborate mission, I have broken it down into 10 segments.
1. Interaction with Dr. Edward
- The challenge begins with an invitation from Dr. Edward to visit the Dreamscape Sales Store. You have a dream clue awaiting you from Black Swan.
- Click on Go and you will be teleported to Golden Hour.
- Head to the Dreamscape Sales Store, and you will be warned by Black Swan to not spoil the dreamscape ending for anyone else.
- Pick a team compatible with Black Swan for the best chances to ace this mission. You will be up against a powerful boss (Lordly Trashcan) who doesn’t have a weakness.
2. Investigate a Murder Mystery
- As you enter the dream bubble, you will immediately notice Sampo and Black Swan investigating a murder.
- Talk to the Bloodhound Family Member to uncover details of the murder of an IPC employee, Shamari.
- A floating mask will appear, challenging Black Swan to solve a puzzle at the Oti Mall.
- You will get to interact with Bailiff and a constable who will provide you brand brand-new details of the murder. They claim the victim to be Sparkle Goldhammer and not Shamari.
- Bailiff will introduce the three suspects – Wright, Lefton, and Zhongston.
- On finishing this conversation you will obtain a Case Review. This item allows you to re-evaluate the dream sequence if you wish.
3. Collect All the Evidence
- You will find Shamari’s ID card right ahead of where Bailiff was standing.
- There is also a giant wooden hammer towards the left of the ID card (supposedly the murder weapon).
- The mask will reappear to tell you about more clues.
- Use the Morph machine to transform into Hanu to enter the air vent. You will come across evidence: Mutual Assured Destruction.
- Get back to your usual self to clear out the blockages in the pathway, after this re-transform as Hanu.
- After some exploration, you will find the Dream Jigsaw puzzle. Complete it to retrieve the Evidence: Pom Pom Toy.
- Use the Boss Stone Rocket to teleport on the ceiling ledge. Push down the lamp to destroy Boss Stone’s minions and teleport back.
- Now reach the teleportation rocket again and go to the other side of the ledge.
- You will come across another clue: Goldhammer Residence Security Regulations.
4. Select the Murder Suspect for Shamari
- On putting all the clues together, you will realize that only Wright is efficient enough to have wielded the murder weapon.
- Tell the answer to the constable and you have solved the first murder mystery.
5. Follow Sparkle’s Waypoints
- To head to the next murder mystery, you need to follow the trail left behind by Sparkles.
- Talk to the Sheriff as he briefs you about the murder of Sparkles. The suspects in this mystery are once again the old friends of the duo– Lefton, Wright, and Zhongston.
- Proceed to interact with the Deputy Sheriff to unravel the details of the three suspects. Do not worry about forgetting the details, you will once again receive the Case Review.
6. Collect the Evidence for the Supposed Murder of Sparkles
- You will find Lefton’s tie in the boxes lying nearby.
- Pick up the evidence, Qian Ketong’s Account Book from the ground.
- The mask will reappear at the next waypoint, encouraging you to look for more clues.
- Collect Wright’s Stool near the staircase.
- Go to the Morphing machine and roam around as Hanu.
- Use the teleport rocket, to investigate the new area to obtain the evidence: Smoked Red Herring.
- Teleport to reach the ceiling ledge and you will come across the Dream Ticker Puzzle. Adjust the puzzle pieces to awaken the Clock. There is a ring inside which is Zhongshan’s Family Heirloom.
- Try to deduce all these clues and predict the suspect.
7. Select the Suspect for Sparkle’s Murder
- Well, it doesn’t matter whom you choose as a suspect, there is no murderer in this mystery. The cut scene confirms that Sparkle is pranking Black Swan and Sampo.
- However, Black Swan enjoys Sparkle’s playfulness and wishes to follow the trail further.
8. Third Murder Scene & Interaction with Lordly Trashcan
- Just like the previous two mystery rounds, you will once again be welcomed by two greeters, this time an Assistant Detective and a Detective.
- However, Black Swan will reroute from the usual clue-finding process and go straight to a Trash Can.
- The Trash Can will riddle you with a question, the correct answer to this should be People. To no one’s surprise, Trashcan rejects this answer and states Sparkle to be the correct answer instead.
9. Defeat the Lordly Trashcan
- Fight the Lordly Trashcan by breaking his toughness meter.
- After this fight, you will decipher the truth behind Sparkle’s trickery (I must obey Black Swan, so I won’t spoil the ending for you).
10. Exit the Dream Bubble & Respond to Text Message
- After learning the truth behind the deception, you will be pushed out of the dreamscape.
- An interesting cut scene will be revealed between Sampo and Sparkle. You will receive a message from Black Swan after this.
- Whatever options you choose, do not reveal the real location of the Dream Bubble to the texter.
- In the end, the texter will reveal their real identity (Sparkle).
- Claim the Mission rewards.
- Finally, you will receive a message from the real Black Swan who is just checking up on you.
On successfully finishing the Masquerade Duet quest in Honkai Star Rail, you will earn these rewards: 100 x Stellar Jade, 6 x Traveler’s Guide, 3 x Starfire Essence, 3 x Celestial Section, 1 x Challenge to the Reader, and 66000 x Credit.