Lords Of The Fallen has several stats – Strength, Agility, Radiance and Inferno – with weapons that scale to one or a combination of these. This, along with the wide variety of armour, pendants and rings make for several interesting builds that can help make the journey across both the Axiom and Umbral worlds that much easier and fun. In this article, we have put together the best Strength build in Lords Of The Fallen – if you are in the mood to take a big weapon and go to town in this game, you have come to just the right place to get you started!

Starting Class

Starting Classes are important from the point of view of your first couple of hours – each of the starting classes can be taken in whichever direction you wish to. However, if you are clear about a strength based walkthrough – either the Udirangr Warwolf or the Hallowed Knight will do just fine. Udirangr Warwolf is an obvious choice for the high starting Strength points and a good two-handed sword option, while Hallowed Knight gives you a good armor and stat allocation on Endurance and Vitality.

Stat Allocation & Progress

Assuming you pick up the Udirangir Warwolf starting class, this is how your stat allocation should progress over the game.

StatsStarting Level (Level 12)Level 40Level 75Level 100
  • Take Endurance and Vitality first to 20 – this is a melee focused build and you need survivability
  • You can then focus on Strength and take it up to 36 to meet the stat requirements of the weapon that we will work with (see below)
  • Focus back on Endurance and Vitality to take them first to 25 and then 30, and post that continue putting in points in Strength


Early game :

The starting class weapon can be replaced either by

the Thorned Crimson Rector Sword – found in the Pilgrims’ Perch area. The weapon has a C- scaling on Strength, and also does bleed damage. It has a Strength requirement of 19.


the Angel Axe – found early in the Forsaken Fen area. The weapon has a C- scaling on Strength with a stat requirement of 22.

Mid game :

Whichever of the above two weapons you choose, you can replace them by the Sword Of Skin & Tooth found in the Lower Calrath area. The weapon looks as cool as it sounds, starts of with a B- scaling on Strength, does physical and fire damage, and also stacks burn buildup on enemies. It has a Strength requirement of 36, and is also heavy at 41.3 – which means you may not be able to wield it right away, but you can start working towards this by either adding points in Strength or Endurance as you level up.

End game :

You can choose to either continue with the Sword Of Skin & Tooth, or if you are looking to try something different as you approach end-game, the Iron Wayfarer Hammer is the perfect alternative (you can read our guide on this weapon here). Obtained by closing the Iron Wayfarer quest-line and defeating him in combat, the weapon does physical, holy, fire and wither damage! It starts off with a C+ scaling in Strength, has a stat requirement of 31 (which should at this point not matter) and weighs 35.2

Ranged Weapon : Crossbow

With the melee weapons sorted, you will also need to equip a good Ranged option, especially considering the enemy positioning in the game. The Trapper’s Crossbow, which can be obtained either as a drop from the Trapper enemy or purchased from Thehk-Ihr (once he moves inside Skyrest Bridge) is a decent option that can carry you through the game. It has a stat requirement of 20 for Strength, starts with a C+ scaling on Strength and does Ignite damage of 200.

Pendants & Rings :


For the 1 Pendant slot, it can’t get better than the Warrior’s Claw – which increases physical damage and defence, which suits the Strength-based melee attacks playstyle just perfectly; and goes a long way in perfecting the Strength build in Lords Of The Fallen


Lords Of The Fallen gives several options to slot in the 2 Ring options that you have, and you can keep changing them depending upon the area / type of enemy. For instance for Ring slots, when running through an area, you can have the Ring of Nourishment equipped so that your health gets replenished with each kill, while when fighting a boss you can have the Mineowner’s Ring or the Ring of Bones equipped to help you manage Stamina.

Mineowner’s RingIncrease maximum stamina and stamina regeneration rate
Queen Verena II’s RingHealth regenerates over time
Ring Of DutyIncreases Stamina & Vitality
Envenomed RingDeals additional charged attack damage and posture damage
Melchior’s RingDeal additional physical damage
Ring Of BonesIncrease maximum equip load
Ring Of NourishmentRegain health on killing an enemy


Armour in Lords Of The Fallen serves two purposes – the one being protection, defence and resistances against enemy attacks and damage types, and also – fashion-souls! It helps if you destroy enemies, but it also helps if you destroy enemies in style! and the armour you equip will go a long way in this. You can either go for a full armor set like Angel Of The Void or the Sovereign Protector Armor Set; or you can do mix and match – lets say the Sovereign Protector Gauntlets and Leggings, with the Scourged-Sister Helm or the Ardent Penitent Hammer Cage.


Runes in Lords Of The Fallen are the best way to max out your build. The best ones for a Strength build are Gravix – which increases physical damage when two-handing and Hilvit – which increases Strength attribute scaling. These particularly come into play in end-game once you have upgraded your weapon and put substantial points into Strength. Also, don’t forget that shields can also be upgraded and runes can be slotted – the effects apply even if you don’t have the required stat attributes! So it makes a lot of sense to keep a shield equipped – irrespective of whether you use it or not.

So there you have it – the ultimate Strength build in Lords Of The Fallen. We had a great time going through the game with the above build- let us know which weapons did you choose in your build! You can check out our best Inferno build for the game as well

The Lords Of The Fallen, released in Oct 2023 by Hexworks has been a good addition to the souls-like genre of action RPGs. The game was praised for it’s world-building, the dual worlds structure, complex and intricate level design and great variety of weapons; however the weak boss design and gameplay issues like locking on to enemies during combat were areas that received some criticism. The game currently sits at a Metacritic rating of Generally Favorable.


Gamer since Atari 2600 was a thing and has since cycled through couple of PCs, Xbox360, PS4 and PS5. Loves action RPGs and souls-likes. Most likely to be found these days doing a re-run on Elden Ring

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