Lords Of The Fallen, being a souls-like is full of items whose purpose remains unclear with descriptions and lore that give a hint of it’s place in the world. We have covered a couple of such items here : Swaddling Cloth & Unripe Berries, and in this article we will go through a similar such item – the Odd Stone in Lords Of The Fallen.

Odd Stone In Lords Of The Fallen : Location

The Odd Stone is located in Lower Calrath area – in a tunnel under the bridge that spans across the area. You have to be in Umbral mode to Soulflay a Stigma. The memory will be of a girl named Elianne being comforted by someone. Once this is done, you will get the Umbral Scouring as always, and in this case, a specific item called the Odd Stone.

The description for this item reads “A smooth, dark stone” and is slotted as a Consumable.

Odd Stone In Lords Of The Fallen : Use

With the Odd Stone in your inventory, go talk to Pieta. Go through her dialogues, and once the conversation is exhausted, you will get an additional option – ‘Use The Odd Stone’ – and on doing this, it will unlock more conversation with Pieta where she will talk about her time at an orphanage.

However, the true use of Odd Stone is when – you have equipped Pieta’s Sword (obtained from remembrance of Pieta, She of the Blessed Renewal) and Elianne the Starved’s Sword (obtained from defeating Elianne The Starved – missable as part of the Umbral ending), fully upgraded both weapons, have the Odd Stone in your inventory, and have spoken to Pieta. This will unlock a special and flashy weapon combo (L2 + R2 on Playstation / LT + RT on Xbox) – with the blue and yellow lighting encasing the weapon attacks.

The two swords both scale with Radiance – with Pieta’s Sword doing full holy damage, and Elianne the Starved’s Sword doing split holy and wither damage. This makes them a great combination for your next walkthrough and with the right runes, pendants and rings equipped – makes one of the strongest builds for Lords Of The Fallen.

Lords Of The Fallen, released on Oct 2023 by Hexworks has received Generally Favorable reviews as seen on Metacritic with further plans of additional content over the course of the next year laid out by the developer.


Gamer since Atari 2600 was a thing and has since cycled through couple of PCs, Xbox360, PS4 and PS5. Loves action RPGs and souls-likes. Most likely to be found these days doing a re-run on Elden Ring

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