So, you have found a cool looking weapon, which just about scales with your preferred stat and you think it will be an awesome one to make your build around. But to keep the weapon going till end-game, you will need to keep upgrading it as well – and in this guide we will tell you all about how to upgrade weapons in Lords Of The Fallen – so that the awesome looking weapon does some awesome damage as well!

How To Upgrade Weapons In Lords Of The Fallen

You will need to free Gerlinde the Blacksmith from the Pilgrim Perch area, and then speak to her at Skyrest Bridge with enough Deralium and Vigor to be able to upgrade weapons. Small Deralium Fragments will upgrade your weapon upto + 2, Regular Deralium Nuggets upto + 5, Large Deralium Shards upto +9 and a Deralium Chunk is required to upgrade it to the final + 10 status. Boss weapons can be upgraded to a max +5. You will come across these upgrade materials from enemy encounters, loot placed across the game, and can also buy them from Thehk-Ihir and later on Gerlinde.

How To Find Gerlinde The Blacksmith In Lords Of The Fallen

The nearest vestige is the Vestige of Blind Agatha, in the Pilgrim’s Perch area. Once you find this vestige, keep going along the path, and you will eventually find an elevator that takes you back to this vestige. Once this shortcut has been unlocked, take the elevator back down, defeat the mages (be careful – a couple of them will try and push you down, making things mighty difficult as there are three dogs and a Sentinel with a shield below), jump down and defeat these enemies – who will drop the Prison Cell key. Look out for sounds of hammering and that is where you will find Gerlinde the Blacksmith. Speak to her, and select the ‘Hand Over Prison Cell Key’ option. Now when you go back to Skyrest, you will see her and Sparky occupying one of the rooms (immediately right of the Vestige, up the stairs).

Image via IGN

Tips To Upgrade Weapons In Lords Of the Fallen

While initially the amount of shards and nuggets to upgrade weapons may appear limited, you will eventually end up with more than required, with an infinite amount available with vendors at low cost. So don’t be afraid to upgrade weapons and experiment which one works best for you – atleast upto +5. After that you can be a bit more cautious.

While the focus will be on your melee weapon upgrade – don’t forget the shield or the ranged weapon (cross bow / normal bow / catalyst). Shields, like melee weapons, after upgrading will unlock rune slots as well – and there are pretty good effects like mana regeneration, health regeneration, increasing scaling of certain stats that can be equipped. These can help you perfect the build that you are working towards.

Which weapon are you planning to upgrade? Let us know in the comments below. Meanwhile, you can also refer to our other guides like the best Strength build, or help on NPC questlines for the Tortured Prisoner or Drustan.


Gamer since Atari 2600 was a thing and has since cycled through couple of PCs, Xbox360, PS4 and PS5. Loves action RPGs and souls-likes. Most likely to be found these days doing a re-run on Elden Ring

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