Lords Of The Fallen boasts more than 30 bosses, including all optional, missable ones as well. And while there are ones which don’t match up to a Souls-like difficulty level, we are here to remind you of the ones that put up a good challenge – in this list of the 15 most difficult bosses in Lords Of The Fallen

15. Tancred, Master Of Castigation

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Found at the very bottom of the Tower Of Penance, this is a 2-phase boss fight. The first one is relatively easy, with telegraphed attacks that, by this stage you should be able to dodge quite easily. The second phase changes that – with rapid lunges and seemingly unpredictable attack patterns – the boss design especially makes that all the more confusing. However, nothing that should take up too much of your time.

14. Skinstealer

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The narrow area of the boss fight is perhaps the reason why this lands here – the boss attacks quickly, giving you very limited windows to attack. The multiple swipes and different attack patterns take time getting used to, however your strikes also do a good deal of damage and the no. of healing charges that you should have accumulated by this time also help. Also, and thank God for that – there is no second phase or any change in attack pattern or intensity in the entire boss fight.

13. Harrower Dervla / The Unbroken Promise

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You will encounter this boss in The Revelation Depths area, and follows a somewhat manageable and easier phase 1 with a more difficult phase 2. There are a couple of attacks in the second phase that can take off a big chunk of your health just like that – the floating nails and attacks from the ground are the ones that you need to watch out for.

12. The Hushed Saint

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The boss at the end of one of the most painful areas in the game, is also one of the most difficult ones especially at the stage that you are – where a good two swipes from the boss can pretty much push you into the umbral zone , or if you are already there – to your death. It also takes a while to make sense of how to knock off the boss from the horse, and when he transitions into the latter half of the fight – he keeps disappearing into the ground before you can properly attack him. You are also not anywhere close to doing very high damage – it takes quite a number of hits to knock off his health bar.

11. Spurned Progeny

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One of those boss fights where figuring out what is to be done and which attacks to avoid / and or take advantage of is the more difficult part. It took me quite a while before realizing that you need to stand on one of the platforms to bait him to come to you rather than running around – in which case he will keep unleashing his meteor showers. Ranged / Magic builds will have it easier as they can keep shooting at him while he lumbers on towards you – he will not start any attack till he reaches you.

10. Abiding Defenders

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More irritating than anything else, especially when those multiple revolving crosses hit the ground and what looked like a boss fight progressing nicely suddenly turns into a health potion chugging fest, the twins are easy to put down in terms of the damage you do – just that they don’t stagger and will carry out their attacks no matter if they have been hit by the heaviest of all weapons – hence the need to be patient, time your hits and you should be home in this fight.

9. Kinrangr Guardian Folard

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Almost coming in as a prep to the boss fight below; you have 3 fearsome ice wolves, the main boss with attacks that do major AOE damage, a significant part of the fight area filled with water that slows you down – and the worst part being that if you happen to go into umbral mode; the Mendacious Visage also comes into play! Oh also, you have that irritating Umbral Eye that you need to pop before you can start doing any damage.

8. The Hollow Crow

A single phase boss fight that has three parts to it – as you try running after the main target across a vast area- all the while trying to avoid enemy mobs and the storm blizzards that build up the frost effect quickly and lock you out of stamina is the major reason the Hollow Crow boss fight makes it this high in the most difficult bosses in Lords Of The Fallen list. The last part gets especially chaotic as you have those ice wolves, the Kinrangr guardian and the griefbound Rowena type enemies to avoid – not to mention the constant struggle to lock on to the wandering woman as the game will keep locking on to all other enemies except the one that you want to lock onto.

7. Mendacious Visage

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A boss fight that you run into without any indication that the area you are entering is a boss area – and the fact that you are fighting this entirely in the umbral zone makes this a difficult one. Add to it the worms that come and burst around you to wipe off the meagre health that you have at this point of the game, the jumping slam attacks that deals great AOE damage, the running attacks and limited window to attack the boss. And if you have not unlocked the shortcut to keep coming back, the entire re-run makes it all the more painful. The boss becomes quite manageable later on (till a point where the game throws three of these together at you!), but at this stage is a formidable foe.

6. The Lightreaper

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We are considering the 4th time you encounter the boss as the right encounter – if you try to defeat the Lightreaper in the earlier phases, the difficulty ramps up exponentially. The first 30-40% is relatively calmer – you avoid the two swoops that the Lightreaper does before he finally gets off his mount, immediately does a slashing fire attack – and then you have a decent window – and you at this point with an upgraded weapon and the right stat points would be dealing good damage – to bring the health bar down. It is in the last part that, like in a lot of other fights – when the Lightreaper activates burn and ignite and goes to town with it – where you consume all your stamina in just jumping around the battlefield in trying to avoid taking damage – and by the time you run up to him to do your attack, you are again required to dodge and avoid his attack cycle. Easily one of the tougher and well-designed boss fights in the game – a bit easier for Magic / Ranged builds as they can keep their distance and spam spells / crossbow in between his attacks.

5. Gentle Gaverus, Mistress Of Hounds

Easily the most infuriating fight on this list – Gentle Gaverus is one of the early bosses that you encounter in the second area of the game. The boss on her own is not a problem … that she calls on three hounds who keep at you like there is no tomorrow; and do not give very, very few opportunities to position yourself close to Gaverus and away from them to be able to land a couple of hits – that is, if at this exact time, Gaverus decides to switch over to her melee attack – in which case the window is gone and running around the boss arena has started, as you again try and line up the right positions for all. Also, your attacks on the hounds bounce off their armor (unless, you attack them from behind – a devilishly difficult thing to do) and in that stagger animation, you are more than likely to be knocked off by an arrow shot, or one of the other two hounds. Sigh. I hated this fight the most – and is easily the most difficult ones to face early on

4. Pieta, She Of Blessed Renewal

Image via PCInvasion

The first proper boss encounter in the game is the perfect trial for survivability and timing parries. You, at this stage have a weapon that may as well be a stick, and a health bar that is embarrassing to look at. And the boss comes at you with a weapon that seems to have a range across half of the battlefield, and just when you have managed to take off some part of her health, starts calling on her clones to do a variety of attacks, each of which can wipe off your health bar in a flash. It is a fantastic entry and introduction to the game – and somewhat of a miss that later bosses don’t deliver the intensity that the very first one delivers bucketloads of.

3. The Sundered Monarch

Image via Escapist

A giant of a boss who can cover half the arena in one massive leap, has powerful swipes, throws off various AOE attacks that need to be dodged to save your health bar – but one that also gives a good window for you to land in your attacks. This is one of the better designed bosses, and one that is fun as well as challenging. It may take a few tries, but you should be able to overcome this one on the strength of your build and weapon – both melee and spell attacks should be pulling in major damage for you by this time.

2. Judge Cleric, The Radiant Sentinel

Image via Escapist

A two phase boss fight – both in very different arenas, with completely different attack types and pattern – this is one of the best boss fights that the game has to offer and ticks a lot of marks in the challenging but fair category of fights that one looks forward to in a Souls-like. When you start the boss fight – phase 1 – has an easier set of attack patterns, and the ones in particular to watch out for are when she marks the ground to call in a rain of holy arrows, or a lunge forward attack that covers a fair distance. The second phase has all fire attacks, and has a couple of lethal AOE attacks that get added to her repertoire. Magic / Ranged attacks have an easier time as there are a fair bit of opportunities to keep attacking from a distance as she walks towards you or prepares for her next set of attacks – melee builds will have a harder time here.

1. Elianne The Starved

Image via Betasetup

An optional boss that comes into play only for a particular type of ending – this one is easily the most difficult fights in the game. While the attack patterns are exactly the same as that when you faced Pieta, what makes this challenging is that Elianne will keep summoning a copy which comes with its own health bar – and you will have to defeat that first – which gets Elianne down for a grievous strike ( If you are too far from her and don’t make it in time, that window vanishes). While you are attacking her shadow / copy, you will need to keep dodging attacks from Elianne as well, and the attacks here get increasingly difficult to avoid, as she sends a stream of wither orbs that cover a huge area. Also – the shadow does not get called in once…it gets called in multiple times if you don’t wipe off Elianne in the window that you have in between summons. A suitably perfect boss fight to end the game and move into the NG+ cycle – and with a great weapon drop as well for your next playthrough.

And there you have it … the most difficult bosses in Lords Of The Fallen. In case you are struggling with any one of these, you can have a look here at our best Strength build or our best Inferno build for the game.


Gamer since Atari 2600 was a thing and has since cycled through couple of PCs, Xbox360, PS4 and PS5. Loves action RPGs and souls-likes. Most likely to be found these days doing a re-run on Elden Ring

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