The makers of 2023 sleeper hit Robocop : Rogue City put out a message on X, acknowledging that the gaming community had been asking for a new game plus mode for the game, and that they will be hearing something on this in the weeks to come.

Robocop Rogue City was released in Nov 2023 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series S/X, and the story sits between the movie timeline of Robocop 2 and 3. The game was received quite well by the fans of the beloved movie franchise – so while the game has a Mixed or Average critic rating on Metacritic, the user score is a strong 8.6. I will freely admit that I was one of the many who were not sure if the developers would pull this off, considering their track record of what they did to other movie franchises – Rambo & Terminator with their previous games. However, they have redeemed themselves with a very genuine and a very good game here, and this announcement of a New Game Plus is also great news -it shows that the developers are listening to the community and working on the feedback.


Gamer since Atari 2600 was a thing and has since cycled through couple of PCs, Xbox360, PS4 and PS5. Loves action RPGs and souls-likes. Most likely to be found these days doing a re-run on Elden Ring

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