EA has released a slew of older games from their catalog on Steam. This ranges from the 2009 open-world cult classic The Saboteur to the beloved real-time strategy series Command & Conquer, the city-building trailblazer Simcity 3000, and more.

The full list of games that EA released today on Steam include:

  • The Saboteur
  • Populous
  • Populous: The Beginning
  • Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods
  • Simcity 3000 Unlimited
  • Dungeon Keeper Gold
  • Dungeon Keeper 2
  • Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri
  • Command & Conquer
  • Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert: Counterstrike
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert: The Aftermath
  • Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
  • Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Firestorm
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri’s Revenge
  • Command & Conquer: Renegade
  • Command & Conquer: Generals
  • Command & Conquer: Generals: Zero Hour
  • Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
  • Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars: Kane’s Wrath
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: Uprising
  • Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight

All of these titles are on a 50-60% discount right now and you can find them under one umbrella of the EA Classic Games Sale page on Steam. The 17 Command & Conquer games can be purchased together in an ‘Ultimate Collection bundle.

While these games were available on EA’s own storefront all these years (and some of them on GOG), the Steam release will surely spark a renewed interest in some of these almost-forgotten gems of PC gaming.


Serving as TheGameNomad's editor, Manodeep's favorite games are a funny concoction of Disco Elysium, Dota 2, and Fallout: New Vegas. While he is not queueing one more ranked pub for the day, he is probably tinkering with his ever-WIP Skyrim modlist.

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