Focus Entertainment and DON’T NOD have released a new trailer for their upcoming RPG Banishers : Ghosts Of New Eden, which explores the themes of love, death and sacrifice

The game is set in 1695 and tells the tale of 2 protagonists and lovers Antea and Red – who are trained spirit hunters. The central premise of the game is “when tragedy strikes and Antea herself becomes a ghost, will you honor your Banisher oath or sacrifice the living in a desperate bid to bring your beloved back?”

Ghosts Of New Eden is set to release on PS5, Xbox Series S/X and PC on Feb 13, and pre-orders for the game are now live on all platforms. Gamers can look to purchase a Collector’s Edition and Red Echoes Edition exclusively from the Focus Entertainment Store

What Does Banishers : Ghosts Of New Eden Collector’s Edition Include?

Image via Focus Entertainment

The Banishers : Ghosts Of New Eden Collector’s Edition includes

  • The game on the platform of your choice
  • The downloadable Wanderer Set for Red
  • A separable statuette of Red and Antea
  • The official artbook of the game
  • A Steelbook
  • Two Banishers’ signet rings.

What Does Banishers : Ghosts Of New Eden Red Echoes Edition Include?

The Banishers : Ghosts Of New Eden Red Echoes Edition Includes:

  • An old leather-bound journal illustrated with Red’s memories
  • An ink writing set
  • The game on a platform of your choice
  • The downloadable Wanderer Set for Red

Focus Entertainment’s recent efforts have actually been pretty good if a bit underrated – like Evil West, the Plague Tale series and Atlas Fallen. The trailer does look promising and if they are able to get the combination of strong story telling of the Plague Tale series and the snappy and tight combat of Evil West and Atlas Fallen – we could have a winner on our hands.


Gamer since Atari 2600 was a thing and has since cycled through couple of PCs, Xbox360, PS4 and PS5. Loves action RPGs and souls-likes. Most likely to be found these days doing a re-run on Elden Ring

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