Stellar Blade, previously known by the name ‘Project Eve’ , will now launch sometime in 2024 as per the latest Playstation blog. The game was first announced way back in 2019 for PS4, Xbox One and PC; but a later announcement in 2021 at a Playstation showcase changed that to a PS5 exclusive to be launched in Dec 2023.
The game is being developed by a Korean studio SHIFT UP, and there were more details available for the game when it was put up on the PS store. The game will take place in a post apocalyptic world, where “Ravaged by strange, powerful creatures, Earth has been abandoned, and what is left of the decimated human race has fled to a Colony in outer space.” Players will take up the role of Eve who has been tasked to reclaim Earth from the NA:tive who were apparently responsible for the devastation on Earth.
The game promises fast combat with combos and customizable skills, a highly detailed and richly realised world with an incredible visual experience and a narrative full of mature themes and possibility of story-changing decisions. The trailer that was revealed in 2022 quickly made this one of the more anticipated games in 2023, but with no release date on the horizon, it was pretty clear that the game would be delayed, and the announcement confirmed what was so clearly apparent.
A game delay in my view is not a bad thing – it gives hope that the developer is putting in efforts to launch a polished and fully finished and developed game rather than sticking to a release date and putting out a broken one (looking at you – Cyberpunk 2077 / Redfall).