It has not been a good run for Payday 3 since it’s launch on September 21, 2023; and looks like the heartburn for the gamers who bought into this at the time of release is going to continue for some time. The much awaited patch that was expected to resolve instability, server-side and matchmaking issues; and was to be released on 5th October; has been further delayed.

Starbreeze Studios; the developer behind Payday 3 put out a message on social media saying that the Payday 3 patch will now be released mid-October in order to ensure quality and stability of the promised bug fixes. The message read that ” The patch needs some changes that would require us to go through console certification again”

Payday 3, being an online only game means that till the time the issues are not taken care of, players will continue to suffer. This also means that PS5 owners will not be able to redeem the bonus content till that time; and future patches planned in October and November will also get delayed

Payday 3 was released on September 21, 2023 across PC, Xbox Series S/X and PS5. While it received mixed critic reviews; over subsequent days, it got review-bombed by users who got frustrated with the online requirements (even in case of solo play), bugs, instability and an unintuitive UI. The game sits at a 67 critic score on Metacritic; but only 2.8 user score

With this, it joins the ever-increasing club of games in the current year which have been panned on release for being unfinished and littered with issues that clearly should have been resolved before putting them out to gamers.

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