Assassin’s Creed Codename Red, the upcoming AC entry set in feudal Japan, is scheduled to be released in the Financial Year 2024-25, which means it should launch within March 2025. This comes from Ubisoft’s earnings report published today.
Assassin’s Creed Codename Red was first announced to be in development in 2022’s Ubisoft Forward showcase. Ubisoft Quebec is leading this AC entry which happens to be the first game in the longstanding series to have Japan as its setting.
As for other Ubisoft games that are slated to be released between April ’24 and March ’25, there is Star Wars Outlaws. Being developed at Massive Entertainment, the open-world Star Wars title is scheduled to release sometime in 2024, as confirmed by Ubisoft in January this year.
Ubisoft co-founder and CEO Yves Guillemot said,
Moving forward, we’re gearing up for a very promising line-up for fiscal year 2025, including the upcoming release of Star Wars Outlaws in 2024, which should be a major milestone in the video game industry, especially given the undeniable appeal of this legendary franchise that will be coming for the first time to the Open World territory, as well as Assassin’s Creed Codename Red, set in the long-awaited feudal Japan universe.
If leaks are to be believed (source: Insider Gaming), Assassin’s Creed Codename Red will reportedly let you choose between two protagonists: a female Samurai or a male Shinobi. However, we don’t yet know whether you’ll have to play the whole game as the character you choose at the start like in AC Odyssey, or you will be swapping between the two through the story progression.