Another massive early area for the Tarnished to explore – this is the ‘magic items’ area – the right place for you to get equipped with all spells, armor and weapons of all types – ranging from Colossal swords to staffs to daggers and straight swords. The area has two long winding paths with a huge lake in between, and as is to be expected, there are huge no. of dungeons, catacombs and ruins to discover.
On This Page
Academy Glintstone Staff
The Academy Glintstone Staff scales quite well with Intelligence and is a great choice if spell-casting is what you are planning with your build.
Type | Glintstone Staff |
Weight | 3.0 |
Scaling | Strength E, Intelligence B |
Requirements | Strength 6, Intelligence 28 |
Academy Glintstone Staff Location
Either kill Thops when you come across him first at the Church Of Irith; or give him the Academy key, then fast travel to Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace where you will find him dead, sitting in a chair just outside on the right.
Azur’s Glintstone Staff
Another excellent choice for spell-casting : it comes with a catch – it decreases the spell-casting time, but consumes higher FP. This, alongwith a high stat requirement for Intelligence makes it a good option for mid / end-game, where you would have enough stats and FP to be able to utilize this staff most effectively.
Type | Glintstone Staff |
Weight | 4.0 |
Scaling | Strength D, Intelligence B |
Requirements | Strength 10, Intelligence 52 |
Azur’s Glintblade Staff Location
While this is located on the 2nd floor of the Church of the Cuckoo; reaching there requires accessing and running across rooftops –
- Start from Debate Parlor Site of Grace,
- Come out into the courtyard and take the rubble up the stairway
- Jump over the railing – and continue over the rooftops – with several enemies trying to ambush you.
- You will finally come across an open window, where you will have to jump down carefully on to the chandelier and then down onto the 2nd floor
- There will be 2 sorcerers and 1 warrior, take them out first
- Open the shortcut by kicking down the ladder
- There will be a long narrow passage guarded by an explosive crossbow wielding enemy – be extremely careful of his attacks
- After defeating him, you will find the Azur’s Glintstone Staff lying next to the giant crystal structure in the middle of the room
Carian Glintblade Staff
The Carian Glintblade Staff has requirements across Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence – however these are low and can easily be wielded early on. This staff also enhances Glintblade sorceries and makes it a good starting choice for spell-casters
Type | Glintblade Staff |
Weight | 2.5 |
Scaling | Strength E, Intelligence C, Dexterity E |
Requirements | Strength 6, Intelligence 22, Dexterity 12 |
Carian Glintblade Staff Location
The Carian Glintblade Staff is located in a chest on top of the Highway Lookout Tower in East Liurnia
Carian Glintstone Staff
The Carian Glinstone Staff also has requirements across Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence – but are low enough to be equipped and used early on. The staff enhances the Carian sword sorceries and depending upon which sorceries you are planning to use – you can decide between the Glintstone or the Glintblade Staff
Type | Glintstone Staff |
Weight | 3.0 |
Scaling | Strength E, Intelligence C |
Requirements | Strength 6, Intelligence 24, Dexterity 8 |
Carian Glintstone Staff Location
The Carian Glintstone Staff is located in the Carian Study Hall in Western Liurnia. This staff will be found on a corpse just before the 2nd elevator in the Carian Study Hall.
Carian Knight’s Sword
The Carian Knight’s Sword is a good straight sword melee option for spellcasters to use as a backup – it weighs less being a straight sword – and scales with Intelligence. While it has stat requirements in Strength and Dexterity as well, these are easily met. The weapon is also upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones, thus making it easier.
Type | Straight Sword |
Weight | 4 |
Scaling | Strength D, Intelligence D, Dexterity D |
Requirements | Strength 10, Intelligence 18, Dexterity 10 |
Weapon Art | Carian Grandeur |
Carian Knight’s Sword Location
The Carian Knight’s Sword can be found on the back of a carriage being pulled by 2 trolls – you can reach this by travelling south from the Norther Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace
Crystal Knife
If you are looking for a dagger to back up spell-casting as your primary build, then the Crystal Knife is the perfect choice for you – it scales with Intelligence, does split physical and magic damage, does not weigh much and hence will not impact equip load too much and can be upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones.
Type | Dagger |
Weight | 2.0 |
Scaling | Strength D, Intelligence D, Dexterity D |
Requirements | Strength 8, Intelligence 12, Dexterity 9 |
Weapon Art | Quickstep |
Crystal Knife Location
This is found in the last level, just before the boss fight in the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel and is surrounded by several Marionettes.
Crystal Staff
The Crystal Staff requires substantial investment into the Intelligence stat – but has the benefit of a starting scaling of B in Intelligence, as well as boosting Crystallian sorceries.
Type | Glintstone Staff |
Weight | 4.5 |
Scaling | Strength D, Intelligence B |
Requirements | Strength 8, Intelligence 48 |
Crystal Staff Location
The Crystal Staff is located in the Academy Crystal Cave – which needs a Stonesword key to unlock. Once inside, as you progress through the tunnel, you will come across a room with a wooden door, and an invisible wall next to it. Once inside, keep travelling till you come across a chest with the Crystal Staff inside it.
Crystal Sword
The Crystal Sword is a good straight sword alternative for spell-casters and also looks the part with its complete blue crystal design. The weapon does split physical and magic damage, and is upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones.
Type | Straight Sword |
Weight | 4.5 |
Scaling | Strength D, Intelligence D, Dexterity E |
Requirements | Strength 13, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 15 |
Weapon Art | Spinning Slash |
Crystal Sword Location
The Crystal Sword is located in the Village of the Albinaurics in Western Liurnia. Once in that area, there will be a wooden bridge, across which the Crystal Sword can be looted off a corpse.
Dark Moon Greatsword
While technically this is in the Liurnia of the Lakes area – the actual place can’t be accessed till much later, and forms part of a pretty complicated questline involving Ranni. The effort, however is totally worth it as you get your hands on this staple From Soft weapon found across all games.
Type | Greatsword |
Weight | 10.0 |
Scaling | Strength D, Intelligence C, Dexterity D |
Requirements | Strength 16, Intelligence 38, Dexterity 11 |
Weapon Art | Moonlight Greatsword |
Dark Moon Greatsword Location
The Dark Moon Greatsword is the final reward for closing Ranni’s questline and is obtained below the Cathedral of Manu Celes, after giving the Dark Moon Ring to Ranni.
Frozen Needle
The Frozen Needle is what it looks – a sharp, thrusting sword which can deal massive critical damage and also inflicting Frost with its rapid attacks. The weapon scales off Strength and Dexterity
Type | Thrusting Sword |
Weight | 2.5 |
Scaling | Strength E, Dexterity D |
Requirements | Strength 11, Dexterity 18 |
Weapon Art | Impaling Thrust |
Frozen Needle Location
The Frozen Needle is located in the Kingsrealm Ruins, in an underground cellar just after defeating the Royal Revenant boss. The Kingsrealm Ruins can be accessed by travelling across the main road on the western part of Liurnia.
Great Mace
A pure Strength scaling weapon, this is what the in-game description for the weapon reads “A shrewd choice for simple slugging matches”
Type | Great Hammer |
Weight | 11.5 |
Scaling | Strength C |
Requirements | Strength 28 |
Weapon Art | Endure |
Great Mace Location
Just before the Grand Lift of Dectus in North Liurnia, there will be an enemy camp. The Great Mace is found in a chest lying in this camp in front of a blue coloured tent.
Icerind Hatchet
A fast attack speed, along with the ability to inflict frost and a great weapon art make the Icerind Hatchet a perfect fit for hammer and shield kind of a build. It is also easier to upgrade since it uses Somber Smithing Stones.
Type | Axe |
Weight | 3.0 |
Scaling | Strength E, Dexterity C |
Requirements | Strength 11, Dexterity 16 |
Weapon Art | Hoarfrost Stamp |
Icerind Hatchet Location
The Icerind Hatchet is located near the Temple Quarter Site of Grace. From this location, travel south-east and you will come across a ruined bell tower. The Hatchet is located inside a chest on top of the bell tower.
Ivory Sickle
The Ivory Sickle is a dagger that scales with Intelligence, Dexterity and Strength. As with most melee weapons found in the Liurnia of the Lakes area, the weapon does split physical and magic damage. However, there are several other better alternatives in case you are looking for a dual-wield dagger build, including the ones listed on this page – which is a pity, as the weapon looks awesome to hold.
Type | Dagger |
Weight | 2.0 |
Scaling | Strength E, Intelligence D, Dexterity D |
Requirements | Strength 6, Intelligence 13, Dexterity 11 |
Weapon Art | Quickstep |
Ivory Sickle Location
The Ivory Sickle is located nearby the Village of the Albinaurics Site of Grace. It will be found on a coffin just up the hill on the east from the Site of Grace.
The Lucerne is a pretty sturdy Halberd that scales off Strength and Dexterity. While not flashy as the other options in the Halberd category, the Lucerne comes with a solid moveset and the ability to swap its Weapon Art.
Type | Halberd |
Weight | 7.0 |
Scaling | Strength D, Dexterity C |
Requirements | Strength 15, Dexterity 12 |
Weapon Art | Charge Forth |
Lucerne Location
The Lucerne is located in a broken down cart at the scene of the battle between phantoms and knights; just north of the Liurnia Highway North Site of Grace.
Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword
No… yes it is a curved greatsword, but also a … Scalesword. It looks disgusting and that automatically qualifies it to be an awesome weapon to rain destruction on your enemies. And yes, just to confirm, it is covered in hard scales.
Type | Curved Greatsword |
Weight | 15.0 |
Scaling | Strength C, Dexterity D, Faith D |
Requirements | Strength 24, Dexterity 15, Faith 18 |
Weapon Art | Magma Guillotine |
Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword Location
The Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword drops off the boss fight at the end of the Ruin-Strewn Precipice; which is at the northern-most end of the Liurnia of the Lakes area
Nightrider Glaive
The Nightrider Glaive is a great choice for a Halberd build – it particularly excels in poking enemies from a safe distance, as well as on horseback combat. The weapon works best for Strength builds with a bit of Dexterity thrown in.
Type | Halberd |
Weight | 12.0 |
Scaling | Strength C, Dexterity E |
Requirements | Strength 26, Dexterity 10 |
Weapon Art | Spinning Slash |
Nightrider Glaive Location
The Nightrider Glaive is a drop off the Nightrider boss, found patrolling the area between Bellum Church and East Raya Lucaria Gate in Eastern Liurnia
Rosus’ Axe
The Rosus’ Axe is the only axe with a stat requirement in Intelligence – and does split physical and magic damage. The Weapon Art for the weapon is also a pretty unique one where it summons three skeletons to attack together and then disappear.
Type | Axe |
Weight | 5.5 |
Scaling | Strength D, Intelligence D, Dexterity E |
Requirements | Strength 18, Intelligence 18, Dexterity 10 |
Weapon Art | Rosus’s Summons |
Rosus’ Axe Location
The Rosus’ Axe is located in the Black Knife Catacombs and requires a Stonesword key to unlock the white fog door. The Black Knife Catacombs are located in North-East Liurnia and can be accessed by proceeding north-east from the Ruined Labyrinth Site of Grace
A Scythe lends itself well to a Quality build with uniform stat distribution between Strength and Dexterity although the scaling is higher on Dexterity – and does pure physical damage as well as bleed buildup
Type | Reaper |
Weight | 7.5 |
Scaling | Strength E, Dexterity C |
Requirements | Strength 14, Dexterity 14 |
Weapon Art | Spinning Slash |
Scythe Location
The Scythe is located in a room at the very end of the Cliffbottom Catacombs. The catacombs are located on the eastern side of Liurnia; and can be reached by moving east of the Purified Ruins.
Serpent – God’s Curved Sword
The Serpent- God’s Curved Sword is a strong contender for being a part of a dual-wield curved sword build – the healing on every enemy kill is a definite plus when not fighting bosses. The weapon scales with both Dexterity and Strength.
Type | Curved Sword |
Weight | 4.0 |
Scaling | Strength D, Dexterity E |
Requirements | Strength 13, Dexterity 9 |
Weapon Art | Spinning Slash |
Serpent – God’s Curved Sword Location
The Serpent – God’s Curved Sword is located in the Ruin-Strewn Precipice – after climbing the first ladder, and just before the elevator to the next Site of Grace, on your left there will be a rooftop you can climb using a ladder. The sword is just behind the Land Octopus.
Sword Of Night & Flame
Yes, that is the name of the weapon, and it is every bit as awesome as it sounds. To wield the sword effectively also requires that kind of investment across 4 stats – Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Faith. The weapon is part of the Legendary Armaments set – collecting all of them unlocks a trophy / achievement.
Type | Straight Sword |
Weight | 4.0 |
Scaling | Strength E, Dexterity E, Faith D, Intelligence D |
Requirements | Strength 12, Dexterity 12, Faith 24, Intelligence 24 |
Weapon Art | Night-and-Flame Stance |
Sword Of Night and Flame Location
The sword is located in Caria Manor, and the nearest Site Of Grace is the Manor Lower Level. From there, head out straight, then left, then right and jump onto the roof through an opening on your left. There will be a ladder you can descend to get your hands on this coveted weapon.
The Treespear is a Greatspear that does split physical and holy damage. It scales off Faith, Strength and Dexterity and can deal a great amount of posture damage. The weapon is a choice worth considering for melee based quality builds who use Faith spells to buff their damage.
Type | Great Spear |
Weight | 9.5 |
Scaling | Strength D, Faith D, Dexterity D |
Requirements | Strength 15, Dexterity 22, Faith 18 |
Weapon Art | Sacred Order |
Treespear Location
The weapon is found on a carriage at the very end of a bridge found by travelling south east from the Liurnia Highway South Site of Grace
Troll Knight Sword
A Colossal Sword to keep you company till you lay hands on the Dark Moon Greatsword – the Troll Knight Sword also scales off Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence, does both physical and magic damage and is upgraded using Somber Smithing Stones
Type | Colossal Sword |
Weight | 18 |
Scaling | Strength D, Dexterity D, Intelligence D |
Requirements | Strength 20, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 18 |
Weapon Art | Troll’s Roar |
Troll Knight’s Sword Location
The Troll Knight’s Sword is dropped on defeating the Troll Knight just before the final boss fight of the Caria Manor dungeon in West Liurnia
Urumi is a Whip which scales mainly from Dexterity, and is an improvement over the current Whip that …wait why would one be using a Whip in this game?
Type | Whip |
Weight | 3.0 |
Scaling | Strength E, Dexterity C |
Requirements | Strength 10, Dexterity 19 |
Weapon Art | Kick |
Urumi Location
Urumi is located in the Caria Manor. Make your way from the Manor Upper Level Site of Grace and take the elevator down. Look for a rampart below on your left, and jump down to it and go further south-west. The weapon will be located there surrounded by a few of those irritating creepy Finger enemies.
Watchdog’s Staff
The Watchdog’s Staff, unlike its name – is a Colossal Sword and is a good choice for Strength builds. It has a unique Weapon Art where it shoots several magic projectiles that hone in towards the target.
Type | Colossal Sword |
Weight | 19.0 |
Scaling | Strength D, Dexterity D |
Requirements | Strength 34, Dexterity 10 |
Weapon Art | Sorcery of the Crozier |
Watchdog’s Staff Location
The Watchdog’s Staff is located in the Road’s End Catacombs in Western Liurnia. Once at the location, head down the stairs and hit an invisible wall right behind you. That will open up into a grassy area with the weapon lying on a corpse.