Weeping Wounds in Warframe is one of the more essential melee mods that can make your status-based melee weapons endgame-viable. The mod increases the status chance of your melee weapon as the combo counter ramps up.

How Do I Get the Weeping Wounds Mod in Warframe?

The Weeping Wounds mod is available as a Rotation A reward on the second and the final stages of the Level 15-25 (Tier 2) Necralisk bounties. 

You can head to Mother at the Necralisk hub area in Deimos, and check the list of rewards for the Tier 2 bounty. The rewards are on a rotational basis and are refreshed around every two hours. So, if it does not appear when you first check it, head back after two hours. Once you see the Weeping Wounds mod in the reward list, keep running the bounty mission till the mod drops for you.

Also Read: Warframe: Rolling Guard Mod, Explained

Weeping Wounds has a 10.29% drop chance on Stage 2 and a 14% chance on Stage 3. So, it should not take too long to get your hands on the mod if you run the mission a couple of times.

Note: If you are returning to Warframe after a long hiatus, this is a great change. You don’t have to wait for the Acolyte event to get your hands on Weeping Wounds.

How Does the Weeping Wounds Mod Work in Warframe?

Weeping Wounds in Warframe increases the status chance of your melee weapon by 40% for every multiplier in your melee combo counter. Of course, it adds it on top of the base status chance of your weapon and any other status chance mod you are running.

If you are familiar with the Blood Rush mod, you can think of Weeping Wounds as its corollary, except Blood Rush ramps up your melee critical chance whereas this one boosts status chance.


Serving as TheGameNomad's editor, Manodeep's favorite games are a funny concoction of Disco Elysium, Dota 2, and Fallout: New Vegas. While he is not queueing one more ranked pub for the day, he is probably tinkering with his ever-WIP Skyrim modlist.

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