The Brief Respite mod in Warframe lets you utilize shield-gating to become practically invincible in higher-level content like Steel Path. Better yet, your whole squad can utilize the mechanic as Brief Respite is an aura mod. However, obtaining this mod is not very straightforward, so here’s our guide to help you through the process.

How Do I Obtain the Brief Respite Mod in Warframe?

The Brief Respite is one of the potential drops from the Orphid Specter whom you can summon by using a Twilight Apothic in a Silver Grove shrine. Here are the steps:

  • You need to have The Silver Grove quest completed to be able to summon the Orphid Specter.
  • Craft a Twilight Apothic (you will acquire its blueprint during The Silver Grove quest).
    • For the ingredients of the Twilight Apothic, you’d have to scan some plants across a few tilesets on different planets. So, have your Codex/Synthesis scanner ready. The Cross-Matrix widget also helps a ton in the process, since it has a chance to net you double rewards from a single scan.
    • You can find Moonlight Jadeleaf on Earth’s Grineer Forest tileset during nighttime. Don’t confuse this day-night cycle with Plains of Eidolon’s. The Cervantes and E-Prime nodes are your best options for this plant.
    • For Ruk’s Claw, you’ll have to venture into Mars’ Grineer Settlement tileset. These plants are usually tucked away into walls and corners of the tileset.
    • You’ll find Lunar Pitcher in Lua’s Orokin Moon tileset, usually inside vases or rubble.
  • Once you have Twilight Apothic crafted, equip it in your gear wheel and head to any Earth mission with the Grineer Forest tileset. Again, Cervantes or E-Prime are your best candidates.
  • You have to find the Silver Grove shrine in the tileset. Interacting with the large stone altar will summon an Orphid Specter. It has 38.60% chance to drop Brief Respite.
  • If you don’t get the mod on your first try, you can try again in the same mission since each shrine lets you summon two Specters of the same type.

That’s everything you need to know to get your hands on the Brief Respite mod in Warframe. Granted the multiple steps involving ingredient gathering and crafting, it’s one of the more difficult mods to get a hold of.

Tip: If you usually run the Exylus sentinel with the Botanist mod, it can help you passively gather plants. So, it can make the scanning plants step much easier.

However, as with all mods, if you want to bypass all these steps and want the mod immediately, you can always head to trade chat and buy it from another player. A cursory look at Warframe.Market shows Brief Respite usually trades for about 15 Plats.


Serving as TheGameNomad's editor, Manodeep's favorite games are a funny concoction of Disco Elysium, Dota 2, and Fallout: New Vegas. While he is not queueing one more ranked pub for the day, he is probably tinkering with his ever-WIP Skyrim modlist.

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