Evil West, developed by Flying Wild Hog (the team behind the Shadow Warrior series and the underrated Trek To Yomi) released in Nov 22 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. The game was part of the PS Plus free monthly games for Jan 2024 – and in case you are looking to check out how much time will this game take to complete if you give it a shot, you have come to the right place

Evil West : How Long To Beat

Evil West will take anywhere between 10-13 hours to finish on your first playthrough; which considering it has 16 chapters works out to 30-45 minutes per chapter. This makes each chapter (or two!) a conveniently sized mission for you to be confident of completing in one seating. The game is also combat heavy with several intense fights against a variety of monsters, with you donning the role of Jesse Rentier of the Rentier Institute – a secret organization tasked to keep vampires at bay.

Is Evil West Open World

Evil West is not open world : the game will guide you on a relatively linear path with conveniently placed obstacles and only specific points allowing you to traverse and move to the next area. There are a few collectibles off the beaten path, but nothing that takes more than a short detour before you return to what you to best – monster slaying!

The game stands currently at a 73 critic score on Metacritic, with the user score in the Generally Favorable category. The game was praised for its tight and responsive combat, a steady stream of upgrades as you progress through the game and backed by a serviceable plot and engaging characters.


Gamer since Atari 2600 was a thing and has since cycled through couple of PCs, Xbox360, PS4 and PS5. Loves action RPGs and souls-likes. Most likely to be found these days doing a re-run on Elden Ring

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